Many organizations conduct surveys every year about the evolving threats and cybersecurity concerns that enterprises are faced with. Info-Tech Research Group’s report suggests automation to help with the growing cyber threat landscape.
Statistic highlights from the study
- The average cost of a data breach in 2023 was $4.35 million USD, a 2% increase from 2022.
- 75% of cybersecurity professionals view the current threat landscape as the most challenging within the past five years.
- 55% of organizations are already leveraging AI to assist in identifying risks and improve their overall security posture.
Why automation?
With the growth of AI and its use by cyber criminals, the threat landscape is evolving every day, sometimes too quickly for organizations to keep up. In a world where efficiency is of the utmost importance to stay competitive within an industry, automation is seen as an approach to improve efficiency across many areas while enabling continuous improvement.
How to prepare for automation
Assess the maturity of your security process
- Identify your automation goals and the current and target maturity states of your security process to identify gaps.
- Review your existing security process to identify which initiatives should be automated.
Assess the value, risks and feasibility of the automation
- Identify the suitability, value and risks of each security process.
- Determine the feasibility of automating a security process by assessing the cost and benefits.
Develop and deliver your automation roadmap
- Develop your automation roadmap and ensure the initiatives are supporting your organizational goals.
Access Tech has been helping customers for over a decade analyze their cybersecurity gaps and how to patch them up, all without breaking the bank. We are a team with 75 years of combined experience and have the expertise to determine what tools you need. Contact us today!