TSP to keep Portland accessible and moving

May 1, 2024
Access Tech: The TSP will support a more accessible and sustainable future for Portland.

Portland has pioneered much of the innovation and policy for transit nationally and internationally. They are planning for the next 20 years. 

The Transportation System Plan (TSP) is the 20-year plan to guide transportation policies and investments in Portland by: 

  • Supporting the City’s commitment to Vision Zero by saving lives and reducing injuries to all people using our transportation system 
  • Helping transit and freight vehicles to move more reliably 
  • Reducing, carbon emissions and promoting healthy lifestyles 
  • Keeping more money in the local economy, as we spend less on vehicles and fuel 
  • Creating great places 

Why is it important?

Portland is projected to add 140,000 new jobs and 260,000 new residents over the next 20 years. As Portland and the region grow, there is a continuing challenge to maintain the natural environment, economic prosperity, and overall quality of life. If in 2035 the percentage of people who drive alone to work remains the same as it is now (nearly 60 percent), traffic, carbon emissions, and household spending on vehicles and fuel will all worsen significantly. To accommodate this growth, our transportation system must provide Portlanders safer and more convenient ways to walk, bike, and take transit for more trips. 

Transportation planning that promotes active transportation modes is essential to preserving the City’s livability and for the protection of the natural environment. Constructing significant amounts of new automobile capacity to accommodate growth is not a viable option because of the enormous costs and impacts. Adding more streets and parking lots divides neighborhoods, uses valuable land, encourages urban sprawl, and has negative environmental impacts. Alternative approaches, supporting a safer, more affordable and more complete multimodal transportation network must be used to ensure integrated, comprehensive solutions. 

The Transportation System Plan helps implement the City’s 2035 Comprehensive Plan in addition to the region’s 2040 Growth Concept by supporting a transportation system that makes it more convenient for people to walk, bicycle, use transit, and drive less to meet their daily needs. The TSP also recognizes that the transportation system must help grow and sustain the City’s economic health by accommodating the needs of businesses and supporting Portland’s role in the international economy.

What is in the TSP? 

The 2035 TSP includes: 

  • Goals and policies that guide the maintenance, development and implementation of Portland’s transportation system 
  • Sub-policies that further the implementation of the goals and policies 
  • A list of projects and Citywide programs along with a financial plan that would accommodate 

20 years of population and employment growth 

  • Master street plans and modal plans 
  • Strategies and regulations for implementation 

Access Tech is dedicated to supporting transit agencies. Contact us today for a complimentary meeting. We have been helping transit agencies for years utilize their technology to provide better experiences for staff and riders.