SASE: Navigating the Convergence

April 10, 2024
Access Tech: Is your organization committed to integrating security into network products?

Organizations have long been faced with issues about high-speed connectivity to applications for users on and off network, how to secure their networks from threats both inside and outside, and how to better control user access to applications and data. Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) provides a shift where network and security are no longer separate entities but are fully integrated. This integration is essential for delivering a secure and seamless experience for users accessing applications both on and off the network. 

Transforming to this new model also helps to break down a critical problem of competing objectives within organizations’ network and security teams. Network teams need to provide high-speed access to applications, while security teams look to mitigate risk to infrastructure and data, often having to limit access to services to meet their objectives. Both teams are doing what’s right and is in the best interest of the user and company, but they are fundamentally at odds. One team, networking, is focused on enabling access while the other, security, is working to limit it. How does SASE come in? 

SASE is a framework for merging cybersecurity and networking together to solve these challenges. SASE looks at security and the network more broadly – focusing on the edge of the network, ensuring that users have high-speed and secure access to applications whether they are on or off network. Security and network are merged in a seamless marriage through integrated technology stacks that require little configuration, but maximum capability. 

Unified security policy from the edge to the access layer shifts security policy throughout the network to enable enforcement everywhere, integrated network access control and identity management systems, and centralized security policy will ultimately provide a safer, easier to manage, and more capable network for everyone involved.  

While this technology continues to mature, it’s important to look for technology partners with an actual roadmap for truly integrating security into network products. Contact us at Access Tech where we’ve helped companies secure their networks. 


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