A smart approach to Cyber Resilience

November 22, 2021
Access Tech: It's nice to work at home, but remote work leads to more cybersecurity risks. To prevent these remote risks, identify and map the processes of cybersecurity and partner with a professional.

Uptime is essential to the modern business. If you’re not doing everything you can to prevent downtime, you’re not going to hit your uptime goals, and this will increasingly become an issue as it relates to cyber security. Businesses that show cyber resilience maintain uptime and have a smooth workflow and business continuity.

Smart business leaders know that growth means becoming more vigilant about proactive cyber security. They have properly prepared for cyber threats – preventing them and knowing exactly what to do when they break through barriers. Cyber resilience is all about being proactive while at the same time prepping for the worst-case-scenarios.

Being proactive includes plenty of testing and auditing. A strategy that fails to establish testing is probably not going to be successful.

Remote Work Risks

The corporate firewall couldn’t protect remote workers suddenly cast out of the office due to the pandemic. And with many workers still putting in their hours from outside of that firewall (a percent of which might permanently be in this situation), organizations will continue to be vulnerable to cyber attack without cyber reliance planning.

To gain some cyber resilience, have your employees network through a virtual private network (VPN). The VPN will secure information transmitted between the employee and the employer. Data encryption like this is a perfect tool for staying a step ahead of the cyber criminals. It’s never a bad idea to remind your remote workers about the importance of passwords and to use unique and strong ones.

Map Your Process

Access Tech: Implement the right cyber resilience tools and prevent integration mistakes.When you keep careful track of your cyber resilience resources, you can better manage them and not run the risk of over-engineering your position. For example, the only cyber security tools you implement should be interoperable with others, thereby giving you a better chance of responding to cyber threats with greater effectiveness.

You should also take the approach of defining your risk posture so you can implement the solutions that will work best for your unique situation. This will help you avoid taking on too many cyber resilience tools. Experience shows that organizations that bog themselves down with these tools and do a poor job of managing them actually weaken their business continuity rather than strengthen it.

Partner With a Professional

At Access Tech, we assist our clients with security and compliance solutions, including data protection and compliance, risk analysis, endpoint security, managed firewall, and security as a service. Guarding against threats is important, and we’re here to help. Contact us today and let’s discuss a customized strategy for you.

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