A recent report has been conducted, gauging the changes in cloud infrastructure services spending. They advise there has been an increase of 36% in this industry, with up to $47 billion spent thus far in 2021. 61% of this spending includes 3 companies alone: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP). However, this reporting does include some customer dissatisfaction, along with inter-carrier battling.
Sales tactics appear to be the most contentious underlying root of the carrier cloud war. AWS “wants customers to increase annual spend commitments by 20 percent across what some customers now reportedly view as being more complex to navigate. AWS has said it will endeavor to rein in its sales teams at any customer request. Microsoft, meanwhile, is being dinged for outages involving Azure Active Directory and Azure Kubernetes Service. Some Azure regions are not as resilient as others and the Gartner report notes that Microsoft’s overall approach to licensing remains complex.” Google seems to be benefiting from the other carriers’ issues.
Have any of these events impacted you or your company’s processes? Are you concerned that you might be impacted in any way? Reach out to Access Tech as your guide to navigating within this carrier cloud war. We have essential tools that can benefit you and can answer any questions you may have.