4 Positive Ways Remote Working Benefits All Parts Of Our Business Culture

July 24, 2020
Insights from Access Tech

Since the onset of our culture’s experience with the current COVID-19 phenomenon, more and more companies have chosen to keep their workers at home. Before the virus and its effects, hit so many in the whole of our workforce, remote working was not nearly as common. Now, there are seemingly endless positive benefits for employers to continue on this path, and to increase their efforts geared towards ramping up the process. Here are four of the most valid reasons, and how they relate to management and workers alike:

  1. Global Talent Pool
  2. Cost Savings for Employers
  3. Increased Productivity
  4. Employee Retention and Satisfaction

Global Talent Pool

Workers in rural areas, with disabilities, or caregiving needs, now have the opportunity to be a much larger contributing source of job candidates than ever before. While working from a home environment, employers are not tasked with the potential of the additional expense or challenges that may come from integrating different parts of our population into the office. This is a boon for any industry as people of every kind have many wonderful qualities to share and fulfill, regardless of their limitations. Without the need for additional resources, businesses will flourish with the addition of these added unique mindsets and qualities. Our current cultural climate is rife with acceptance, inclusion, and a global mindset, making the pool of valuable workers more robust, and on a more affordable scale.

Cost Savings for Employers

Without the need for applying such costs like operating brick and mortar establishments, employers are saving in many ways. The CAPEX and OPEX prevented by not running a building’s infrastructure is astounding. This allows for more funds to be attributed to other very important aspects in effectively running a company. Additionally, employee absences have decreased, due to the flexibility of working from home. Training and Development can be done virtually, saving loads of expenditure, versus facilitating such needs in an on-premise, live environment.

Increased Productivity

Without workplace distractions, noise within and around the office, and other workers interrupting our daily tasks, remote workers are consistently providing increased workflow. We tend to forget about the ceaseless inner-office politics, meetings, and parties that take us away from what we are really there to do: Work. By limiting these conflicts in removing the office atmosphere altogether, productivity can soar, assisting companies in attaining and surpassing their actual goals.

Employee Retention and Statisfaction

Employees working from home statistically report increased job satisfaction which has led to less turnover. Retaining employees is a critical factor for any company to stay above water. New hires, training, additional time off, etc., are major expenses for businesses to accommodate on a regular basis. Even though employees are an asset, the cost involved in obtaining and keeping them can be a liability. It is in everyone’s interest to increase employee morale, and, for these reasons, remote working seems to be doing the trick.

For more information on how we can assist you in moving your employees, or entire business, into a remote environment, or for any questions about what this may entail, please contact us. We are well-versed and highly experienced in this particular transition as we have been doing it for many years for ourselves and our customers. We welcome whatever inquiries anyone may have and would love the opportunity to provide insight into this cultural shift and how it can benefit you.

Please reach out any time at: info@accesstech.biz.

(Resource: Forbes)